Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Journey from little to huge

One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he/she doesn't try to find out why...

I am a dog lover, and had always wanted one after we lost the one I had grown up with.It was very difficult to convince my husband to get a dog.Finally he got convinced. Thanks to my excellent marketing skills!!

Finally Alice came home in November 2007.

She was our first German Shepherd. It took her some time to get adjusted with the place and us of course but that happened quickly and pretty soon we all were in track. The first few months while we were struggling to potty train her were tough but it was all worth it. Now that she was growing up, she needed a friend to play with her all the time. German shepherds by nature are very high energy dogs, irrespective of that everyone needs friends.She needed one too. We were very happy to play with her for 4-5 months but as soon as she grew up BIG, she had so much energy that we had to figure out something to have all that energy spent everyday. Luckily our neighbors too had a female dog, a lab mix. Our dog became friends with her. Did I tell mention they had a fenced backyard too? Oh Thank Goodness they did, so the problem was solved. Days passed by and she turned ONE. We invited all our close friends for her first birthday. I baked a cake, decorated the place for a party and we celebrated her birthday just like we would have done for our baby.She was a baby, she still is one though she turned 3 this October. 

We didn't realize how much we got used to her. I remember times when I was sad and she sat by me just like a good friend who would listen and understand my troubles. I remember the chilly morning of January we spent with her outside in the front yard because we got locked outside the home and she was just 2 months old. I remember getting sweater for her for her first winter. She has taught me the meaning of devotion. With her I know a secret comfort and a private peace. She is hurt when I leave her alone. The later I come home, the happier she is. She promises to stand by me in prosperity, poverty, good health and sickness. She promises to wait and watch for me until I am safe. Her presence by my side protects my fears against dark and unknown things. She searches for me when she knows I am there but not in front of her eyes. I am glad to have her and fear to loose her.

She has set the bar of loyalty for me. Her love for us is unconditional and beyond our imagination.

She is more affectionate than anything else in this world, even more than our own baby. I promised to myself today that she is always going to be my eldest daughter in every sense.

Looking forward to play with her over the weekend. Must be fun.

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