Monday, December 13, 2010

Man's Best Friends

If you don't own dogs, not even one, then there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.
                                                                                                                                         Roger Caras

So I am back with "my" dog news

So let me start this post with a new name Fyisty; she is Alice's biological sister.  We met her in October 2007, when we went to see Alice for the very first time. She is a nice dog and very protective. How we knew, so here is the story. 

She was playing with her owner when we reached there. As soon as we reached, she realized someone has come to meet them and became alert but did not bark at us. She was sticking like a tail with her owner whole time, while we were talking to him. We asked him why is she not barking at us? Is she trained not to bark or is she not barking because you are with us, becasue the kind of German Shepherd I was used to (Laika) barks at everyone who is not "blood related". Well things are different here I knew. So the owner explained "She is not barking because she doesn't find you harmful. At this moment you are having a friendly conversation with me. The moment you raise your voice or show any signs of harming me like raising your hands or touching me, she can read my discomfort and will show her true colors then!!" Pretty scary to stand beside a dog with that type of feelings...though we were not upto something like that :)

Now coming back to present, over the weekend we requested our interior painter to give us a visit/quote etc as we wanted to get our house painted this year. He came to our home around 8:00PM on Friday. He was pretty friendly because he is actually someone from our community and Alice knows him very well. She sees him all the time around like when we go out for walks or when he comes around our cul-de-sac. To tell you how much she knows him, let me tell you another story in short. Once we were at office and she was playing with the neighbor's dog in their fenced backyard, the gate was not locked properly which opened with wind and these dogs were obviously on a "Dogs day out" or who knows might have been "Dogs DAYS out". Fred saw them suddenly near the other end of the community while he was returning from somewhere. He recognized them and brought them back in his pick up truck and left them in our neighbor's backyard. I must tell that was pretty close to losing her or who knows she might have come back by herself. But anyway so she knows him very well and welcomes him in the cul-de-sac always. But this was the first time he was coming inside our home while she was there. And I have to tell you how efficiently she made sure that she was there ALL THE TIME BETWEEN HIM AND US for our protection even though she was so friendly with him. She didn't leave us for one second. She is generally not allowed upstairs but that day she just followed us where ever we went with him. But what was funny was she probably didn't want him to feel bad (in case he doesn't turn out to be "bad guy") about what she is thinking so she was playing with him in between a couple of times.

Unfortunately I was just too engrossed with the painter and the painting and failed to notice this beautiful moment until my husband pointed it out after the painter left. 

Now, THAT was a lovely feeling to know that someone is there for me even if no one is there.

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